
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Night Terrors

Does anyone know about Night Terrors? I had never heard of them until I was babysitting my niece and experienced first-hand how terrifying they can be!

Night Terrors usually occur in children between 3-7yrs old. There aren't any known causes (although genetics have been mentioned). The child normally doesn't remember the night terror or aware during the night terror. They aren't harmful but they can be scary if you aren't educated as to what is happening.

A child experiencing a night terror can scream, walk around, throw things, cry, yell, talk, and be very confused. Thankfully, they usually, only last about 15-20minutes.

The recommended treatments are to comfort your child, create a relaxing environment for them (routines help). Also, medications are available, in extreme cases. They usually grow out of them at age 10yr.

References: Medicine Plus: Night Terror

New Sleep Technique...

There have been a lot of thunderstorms and rain where I live lately. While laying in bed listening to the thunder and rain I became relaxed. While this seems like an obvious remedy to help promote sleep and relaxation, I had never tried it.

I began to close my eyes and just listen to the thunderstorms. The next thing I knew, I was fast asleep! The point is, maybe try techniques that you were hesitant to try because they didn't seem likely to work because you never know what might work for you:)

Sweet Dreams!